Friday, October 03, 2014

Last month was a quite worrying time. My hubby hurt his back and we didn't know what to do with it. We tried to do many things, put the hot water bottle, hot pad, muscle balm, pain killer on his back but they didn't do any good at all. Finally, we got an information from a colleague that there might be a chiropractor or physiotherapist practice around Bakhtiari. So, I did a survey to find the place and voila, I found this banner on one of the buildings.
I got inside  and met a lady at the reception, unfortunately she didnt speak English. I was so confused until finally there was a patient that was able to translate my words. I made an appointment for the next day.
Reception desk
On the next day, my hubby was barely able to walk. I decided to find a taxi and pick him up. We didn't  expect so much for the visit, however it turned out to be a good experience. The therapist is a very kind Kurdish man. He stayed in Germany for about 18 years and got his education there, he speaks Germany, Kurdish, a bit of Arabic, Russian and English. His office looks simple but its quite comfortable. 
My hubby told him about the problem and after that, the therapist  examined my hubby's muscle system. It seemed that my hubby's muscles were a bit tense. So, he did a massage and gave some exercise tips to keep muscle and bone healthy. The best thing was, he didn't even offer any crap drugs like those offered by the doctors in the hospital.  We made four times visits and after that my hubby feels much better. 
If you hurt your back or have problems with muscles and nerves. I would like to recommend you to come to this place. The name of the therapist is Mr. Zana Kadir. His office is the Physiotherapy Center of Sulaimaniya, Bakhtiari Taza (new Bakhtiari, approximately 200 meters from the Talary Hunar/cultural center building). You need to make an appointment prior to the visit and the cost for each visit is 20,000 Iraqi Dinar. In the second floor of the building, you can find a small gym with various health equipments that you can use. If you are interested in doing fitness and  want to have an instructor you can make an arrangement with him. The equipments are quite advanced. 
Detail information in the card

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