Thursday, January 01, 2015

I had a big surprised on the first day of the new year! Ginger, a cat that slept in front of our door and we fed, bitten by a dog and got infected. I immediately contacted a veterinarian and luckily, January 1st is not a big deal here, the people doing their business as usual. It was quite sad to see the injured Ginger, the doctor said that the wound need to be stitched.
Doctor Bahjat in Action
Ginger on the operation desk
After treatment 
Before treatment 
Ginger needs to stay with us until the doctor took off the stitches and her wound heal. Our neighbour, Natia and her husband add "Jaya" (in Indonesian language it means victorious) to her name. We hope that she can get through the infection and be a victorious Ginger cat!

Just in case you need to see an English speaking veterinarian, you can contact Dr Bahjat. His clinic is on the Mamostayan street, next to the Raparin Bus station and Bakhi Gasthi (public park), in the Bazaar area. It costs about 80,000 Iraqi Dinnar for the overall treatment (stitches, shots and daily check up for antibiotic shots).

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