Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sa'ab chaikana (people's tea house), founded in late 1940s is a famous place for men to hang out in Sulaimaniya. The tea house is located in the bazaar, on Kawa street, near Sara square.  It is a place where they like to talk about politics, daily life, smoke, or  play backgammon.  Women normally don't go to this place, except for foreign women ( I think the people tolerate a visit for a cultural experience).  This time, Edith took me to this place, lovely! I guess we were the only women inside the chaikana that time...
Chaikana Sa'ab
The entrance door is very small but once you get inside the shop is bigger than I thought.  I can feel the dynamic atmosphere inside the room. The men were busy talking to each other, old, middle age and young were mixed into one. There are different pictures and photos of important people (famous poets, Kurdish fighters),  Kurdish flag, zoroastrian symbol, etc hanging on the wall.  The tea house is also has collections of books.
Inside the Chaikana
We had cups of tea and puddings called Mahalabi (made of cornflour mixed with cinnamon, milk and rose water). It was so delicious ! I would like to visit this place again (but not alone, of course). 
There were different cultural events held in this place. You can find more information about the house from the links below:


Mbaaak, ini di mana? Selama ini aku liat tempat minum teh isinya laki semua, jadi malu mau ikutan masuk ke dalam meski sama suami juga. >___<


Lokasinya di Bazaar mbak, dekat Sara Square, mari kita kunjungi tempat ini bersama-sama (#sokjadituris)


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