It has been 6 months Ginger staying with us, she grows into a healthy, cute,  well behave and a fat cat. She does not knock everything off from the table, does not beg for foods and does not bother us when we eat. Unfortunately, she seems trauma to go outside after she got bitten by a dog and spent the days during winter time outside (please read Ginger Jaya - Episode 1).   I really have to try hard to make her out of our apartment. However, if I take her out, she wants to get in as soon as possible. I guess she is afraid that if she goes out, she will end up to be a street cat again.  My hubby and I think that someday, if we ever leave the country we should take her with us. So, I  decided to find out the procedure to take a pet out from Iraq - Kurdistan and  how to make a pet passport for Ginger.

Luckily, our neighbour, Mrs Lora told me about a private veterinary hospital in Sulaimaniya namely Kurdistan Safari Private Veterinary Center. The hospital is able to provide the necessary document and install a microchip. It is located in Tasluja Street (from  the American University go on the direction to the Sulaimaniya airport and go straight. From the university it takes about 15 minutes by taxi to  get there. We need to make an appointment prior to the visit, their phone is: 07701550768. E-mail:

The hospital is so clean, pleasant, and I would say it is equipped with a modern technology, compared to any other veterinary place that I have visited in Sulaimaniya. Although, it is a little bit messy. They provide pet supplies too such as foods, bowls, soft cases, harness, etc.
Inside the hospital
Dr Hiwa
The doctors were nice but the one who handled Ginger was a bit afraid of cat :) but it was no problem at all because Ginger was so cooperative.  I decided to take a complete package for Ginger which covers a passport, a microchip, a rabies shot, thick and parasite treatments (plus a bottle of a spray) and an internal parasite treatment (a tablet). All of them cost 90 USD.

The Passport
I feel relief because Ginger has her basic document now. I hope when the time comes we can easily take her with us.

Ginger's Passport
Treatment records