Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Do you need to send something from Sulaimaniya? There are different options available. You can send it with DHL, Blaz Cargo, Sha-post, or Government Postal Office of course! I have sent post cards, a small package from the post office. I also have bought some Iraqi and Kurdistan stamps too!
I took some time but all of them have arrived safely to their destinations.
Post Office Sign 
Just for your information, the post office is in the Bazaar. It is better to go there before lunch time, because if you don't you will find the office empty just like this. I had to wait for a long time until the staffs had returned back from their break. They are open from 9 am to 11 am and then close for the lunch break. They open again from 2 pm to 4 pm.
Empty office at 12.37 pm
The place also have several sizes of boxes made of plastics and cardboard just in case you need to send a package. Some of the sizes are: 25 x 17 x 12  cm; 30 x 25 x 15 cm; 45 x 35 x 40 cm, and 60 x 40 x 40 cm.

Sha Post is a private postal company. They have an office next to Pak City apartment complex. They deliver packages mostly to US and Europe. They don't have service to South East Asia countries yet, unfortunately. 
Sha Post Office in Sulaimaniya, Next to Pak City

Price list 

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