Sunday, July 17, 2011

There are moments when I feel doubt about the things I have done (although I did most of them with excitement) and the things I want to do. There is a day when I found my self as a stranger in the city where I live.

Sometimes I envy those planets wandering in their orbits without doubt, no matter how vast the universe is and how far they have to travel. The planets are very certain of what they are and they know where they are going.

I haven't packed my bag, I can’t sleep and I give up to force my self to do so. I decided to read a piece of Susanna Tamaro’s writing.  There is a part  from her book titled "Follow Your Heart" that I really like to read, again, again and again….

Take care of yourself. As you grow up you’ll often get the urge to change things, to right wrongs, but every time you do remember that the first revolution, the first and the most important, has to take place within yourself. Fighting for an idea without having an idea of yourself is one of the most dangerous things you can do.

Every time you feel lost, confused, think about trees, remember how they grow. Remember that a tree with lots of branches and few roots will get toppled by the first strong wind, while the sap hardly moves in a tree with many roots and few branches. Roots and branches must grow in equal measure, you have to stand both inside things and above them, because only then will you be able to offer shade and shelter, only then will you be able to cover yourself with leaves and fruit at the proper season.

And later on, when so many roads open up before you, you don’t know which to take, don’t pick one at random; sit down and wait. Breathe deeply, trustingly, the way you breathed on the day you came into the world, don’t let anything distract you, wait and wait some more. Stay still, be quiet, and listen to your heart. Then, when it speak, get up and go where it takes you.” -Susanna Tamaro -



Wow Mita, again this is really beautiful and amazing. I love the metaphor of the tree. It's very poetic. This is good advice for anyone at any stage in their life.


Yes I agree, this is a word of Susanna Tamaro, an Italian writer. I really like reading her book, especially this part..


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