Saturday, June 14, 2014

I often heard the benefit of brushing our teeth with Sewak or Miswak. In Islam, it is known from hadith that the Prophets had practices of using the Sewak. So, there must be something special of it.  My problem is, I didn't really know about Sewak and I had never seen a real Sewak in my life as it is already replaced by 'so called plastic modern toothbrush and toothpaste' which contains harmful substances such as triclosan and fluoride!. Until finally, several days ago, I went to Bazaar and voila, I accidentally found Sewak! My heart was pounding! It cost 1000 Iraqi dinnar (less that 1 US Dollar or equal to 10,000 Indonesian Rupiah) much cheaper than a toothbrush and paste!.
My First Sewak
So, what is Sewak? Sewak or Miswak is a root of Peelu tree (Salvadora persica) or Arak (in Arabic). The Sewak is natural, safer and more effective toothbrush compared to the synthetic toothbrushes. We don't need to add toothpaste when brushing our teeth with Sewak. Sewak contains natural minerals such as potassium, sodium, chloride, sodium bicarbonate and calcium oxides which are able to whiten and strengthen enamel. It is also known for its ability to remove stains from coffee or tobacco.

My Sewak still in the wrapper

How to use Sewak? Well, just scrape of or peel a half inch bark from one of the edge. You can wash it with a clean water or just directly chew it. A Sewak stick is similar to a paint brush. The bristles are hard and it able to scrub our teeth and get them clean. After finished chewing the stick, put it back in its wrapper. If you want a new brush, just cut the top of the stick that has been used, scrape the new edge and chew again! The stick can be used until it is 2 inches long but  actually, with a longer stick it is easier to brush the back of our teeth. There are a lot of advantages of using Sewak that you can  read from this link. Sewak can be used to heal cavities as shown in the video below:

I am so excited brushing my teeth with Sewak, let me know if you want one!

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