Wednesday, November 05, 2014

I come from a tropical country where it is warm and the temperature is very stable throughout the year. Well, yes, it is a bit struggle for me living in a four seasons’ country.  I have new friends whenever winter comes, flu and a hot water bottle. So, this week, I have been sick and just lying around feeling useless at home.  Thankfully I have a wonderful husband.  I told him “I am so sorry that I get sick and make you taking care of me while you have so many works to do.”  He replied, “Well, taking care of you is the best thing I want to do”. 

On a very cold winter morning, the wind swept away my plants from the ledge of our balcony (we live on the second floor). I woke up from the bed hearing the sound of my plants fell down. From the window, I saw five pots of plants lying on the ground helpless.  I starred at them, thinking that I should wait until the light come (and the day a bit warm) to collect my plants. In the mean time, silently, my hubby woke up; changing his clothes and went downstairs. Within five minutes he already had all of my plants on his hands and brought them back to me. “These are your plants, I hope I got them all, one pot is broken”.

My hubby does a lot of things that seem little to him but matter to me!

My hubby is a tall, big man and has taekwondo black belt, but actually he is a very loving gentle person!

Peshy, a little kitten crawled into my hubby's arm and fell asleep! 

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