Saturday, June 13, 2020

This is our second year in Oman (1 year 10 months to be exact). Time seems to move fast but at the same time it can be so slow to go by. I guess it depends on how we perceived it. 

2019 was full of challenge in terms of our health. Both my husband and I struggled to recover from mercury poisoning. Dental mercury amalgams in our mouth made us ill. We are thinking of creating a specific blog to share our experience (let's see if we can make that blog!). 

2020 is a strange year for everyone in this planet due to Corona virus infection. A lockdown policy was imposed in Oman from 17 March to 29 May 2020. The restriction is partially lifted right now but the damaged has been done. So many people infected with the virus, lost their jobs, lost their loved one, and lost perspective about what has happening. People are afraid of shaking hands, hugging and being closed to each other physically. I have never imagine this would happen. 

At the same time, I don't think systematic changes have been done to address Corona infection such re-structuring health care system (to be more affordable and qualified), evaluating the existing health care facilities and how to improve it, providing better support for health care profession, conducting massive campaign about healthy life style. I am not aware of these thing being done by people in power. 

Besides Corona virus, there is a collective action around the world to end racism. There is a word from an Indonesian thinker, Mr Pramoedya Ananta Toer or known as "Pram"  that is very profound to me. He said "People must be just and fair, starting with what they think." It made me realized the importance of our conscious awareness.

Fighting for racism is fighting for justice. It is beyond the color of our skin. Racial discrimination is one of the manifestations of the presence of unjust thought, followed by unjust action and system in place. Sometimes, we think that we are right but unfortunately it is not necessarily just. Doing something that is popular as it is perceived as "right"  by majority of the people is not necessarily just as well.   

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